In my professional experience as a freelance writer, more and more businesses rely heavily on technical content to explain complex products and services to their audiences. It’s what separates their products from the competition, and – not only to satisfy Google and search engine algorithms – they need to convey a lot of technical information within a short space. It’s easier said than done when you consider how most of us have very limited time to trawl through endless pages of text and information to find what we need. 

This is where turning intricate, technical and often confusing information into clear, captivating and persuasive prose is key. It’s how I’ve been able to help many of my clients find their ‘voice’ where key technical and complex information can be relayed in a convincing and, at times, entertaining way.

Whether it’s software solutions, manufacturing processes, server integrations, medical devices, EXIF data in photography gear, or anything in between, there are people out there who need answers to questions related to these specialisms. Writing technical content may seem like a careful balancing act where you try to keep your audience’s attention and interest without compromising accuracy and relevancy in your content. 

With the right strategy, technical content writing can do more than simply provide details – it can educate, persuade and even entice readers into potential customers for your business. So, here are my tips on how to make your technical website content engaging, producing content for the business, marketing, software, and HR spheres (among many others), that appeases their niche audience and tells their story.

1. Understand your audience’s needs

Before you begin writing, understanding your audience is a vital component in your marketing strategy. Technical content isn’t just about listing specifications or features; it’s about making sure that your readers understand how a product or service benefits them.

Customers today, in the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) spaces, are more discerning and budget-conscious. Research shows that over half of UK consumers would research products before committing to a purchase, and would invariably avoid buying from a business that was rated, on average, below four stars. It’s essential, therefore, to highlight not just what a product does, but how it solves a problem or meets a need.

For example, if you’re writing about cyber security software, focus on how it protects businesses from data breaches, rather than getting bogged down by industry jargon. 

Similarly, if you’re creating descriptions for medical diagnostics and testing equipment, think about how it improves research quality and experiment outcomes and streamlines healthcare processes. Context is everything: by placing technical features in real-world scenarios, you’re more likely to engage readers and demonstrate value.

2. Reduce complexity with clear, direct language

Simplicity is often the key to engagement when dealing with technical topics. While it’s tempting to use industry-specific language to demonstrate expertise, excessive jargon can alienate your audience. 

Instead, break down complex ideas into digestible chunks, using clear and direct language that your readers can follow without needing a background in the subject.

A good illustration can be found in the need to write about robotics or automated manufacturing tools. Avoid diving straight into specifications that only engineers would understand, and instead describe how these tools enhance productivity, reduce errors, and save operational costs. 

Analogies and comparisons can also help explain difficult concepts, making them more relatable. For example, describing a data encryption algorithm as a “virtual lock and key system” can help non-expert readers grasp the concept easily.

3. Use storytelling to engage readers

In technical writing, it’s easy to fall into the trap of presenting facts, data and metrics. However, that can only get you so far. Storytelling can be a powerful way to maintain interest and make your content memorable, giving non-technical readers something to sink their teeth into without driving them away with endless statistics.

Case studies, customer testimonials, or even hypothetical scenarios can bring a technical product to life, showing its real-world applications. For instance, if you’re writing for a company that manufactures energy-efficient industrial motors, you might include a story about a customer who reduced energy costs by 30% after switching to these motors. 

Stories like these not only humanise technical products but also give potential buyers viable reasons to trust and invest in them.

4. Use visuals to support your writing

Technical content often benefits from accompanying visuals. Diagrams, infographics, and videos can help explain complicated ideas more effectively than words alone. According to studies, people process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, making them a powerful tool to complement your writing.

When describing the inner workings of an air filtration system, a clear diagram showing its key components can make it easier for readers to understand, and help steer them towards converting more quickly and easily. 

Similarly, flowcharts and graphs are useful for presenting data-heavy information, such as performance metrics for software products or tools. Visuals also help to break up text-heavy sections that might otherwise disengage readers.

5. Maintain a confident and authoritative tone

No matter how technical the subject matter, maintaining a confident and authoritative tone is crucial for building trust with your audience. When writing about specialised products or services, you need to establish that you know your topic inside and out. 

Confidence in your writing helps reassure readers that the information they’re receiving is reliable and accurate, which is particularly important when dealing with industries like medical devices, engineering, or accounting software, to name but a few.

But confidence doesn’t mean being overly formal or robotic. Striking the right tone – one that combines professionalism with approachability – will keep readers engaged. This is especially important in sectors and industries where the audience is likely filled with seasoned experts as well as those with less technical knowledge. Being direct and clear in your writing can ensure someone – regardless of expertise – can find value in it.

6. Highlight long-term benefits over features

Consumers today are not just looking for a product that works; they want to know that their investment will stand the test of time. As more buyers become budget-conscious, the long-term value of a product often takes precedence over its immediate features. In technical writing, it’s essential to focus on how a product offers lasting benefits.

If you’re describing a piece of software, instead of merely listing its features (e.g. “automated updates”), explain how these features translate into long-term value for the customer (e.g. “ensures that your system is always up-to-date without the need for manual intervention, saving time and reducing potential downtime”). 

This approach helps potential customers understand why the product is worth their time and investment, offering value in the long run.

Crafting technical content that converts

Crafting technical content that engages the reader without sacrificing detail is not always easy. However, using clear and confident language, breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized chunks, incorporating storytelling, adding visuals, and highlighting long-term value will all help turn technical wording into compelling prose that can strike an emotional connection with your audience.

As a freelance writer, I’ve worked with numerous clients to transform their technical content into powerful marketing tools. These principles have served both my clients and myself well over the years, and you can no doubt see much of the same success if you adopt a similar approach. 

Categories: Marketing


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